WISE Awards

2020 WISE Awards to address Global Educational Challenges
Deadline Date – 20-Jan-2020
Qatar Foundation is seeking applications for its 2020 World Innovation
Summit for Education (WISE)
Awards to recognize and promote six
successful innovative projects that are addressing global educational
challenges. The selected projects are models of excellence that serve as
an inspiration for others to improve education through innovation and
creative action.
Types of Project
 The WISE Awards recognize innovative educational projects that
have already demonstrated a transformative impact on individuals,
communities and society.
 The ideal project would be an ongoing, innovative and impactful
education initiative that:
o Has an excellent record of proven success
o Is financially sustainable
o Has a clear plan indicating the project’s future objectives and
future development
o Is scalable
o Is replicable in other contexts and regions of the world
o Has a clear understanding and knowledge of:
 its innovative nature;
 its distinctiveness within its sphere of action, and;
 the type and depth of its impact on its beneficiaries

Award Information
Each WISE Awards winning project will receive US$20,000, and will benefit
from increased public interest through media exposure and other channels.