Well Done Prof. Benjamin Onyango

Machakos University hosted Prof. Benjamin Onyango, of Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship from 1st April to 30th June 2019. The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) is a scholar fellowship program for educational projects at African higher education institutions. The fellowship is for scholars born in Africa who received their education in Canada or the United States. It gives them the opportunity to give back what they have learned and also contributes to brain circulation and global networking of ideas creating new knowledge in a non- hierarchical empirical. The fellowship has been going on for six years and is funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Benjamin Onyango is a Professor at the Department of Agribusiness, Agricultural Education and Agricultural Communication, College of Agriculture, Missouri State University, U.S.A. and a researcher in diverse areas of agricultural business. His extensive research includes: emerging food markets, Food security/safety and Agricultural risk-investment analysis. Prof. Onyango worked with his host Prof. Charles Ombuki, Dean, School Business and Economics.

During his stay in Machakos University, he together with Prof. Ombuki were able to accomplish the collaborative objectives which included;

  • Creating a master’s program in agricultural economics;
  • Training and mentoring academic staff;
  • Enriching agricultural economics related courses through review;
  • Engaging with students in the program.

Prof. Onyango with hosts from School of Business

Apart from his co-mandate, Prof. Onyango actively participated in various activities of the University, including Machakos University 2nd International Conference where he got an opportunity to attend and co-chair the session on the Sub-theme; “Agriculture, Food, Nutrition and Security” where he presented a paper on Organic Food Purchases in Emerging Food Markets.  He was also a speaker during a public lecture ‘Public Perceptions of Food Biotechnology’ and spoke on ‘Public Attitude Towards Biotech: The US Case’. Being a good mentor, he provided mentorship to the faculty and many upcoming scholars in the School of Business and School of Agricultural Sciences.

Prof. Benjamin Onyango with postgraduate students whom he gave a lecture on topic identification

Prof. Onyango during a Public Lecture During   plenary discussion of the Public lecture identification  ‘Public Perceptions of Food Biotechnology’

During the plenary discussion of the Public lecture

Prof. Onyango making a presentation during Machakos University 2nd International Conference.

Colleagues from the School of Business and School of Agricultural Sciences held a luncheon to appreciate Prof. Onyango’s input in the growth of the Agricultural Economics Programs and wished him well. The University looks forward to successful collaborative projects through support from CADF Program.

Prof. Onyango with colleagues during his farewell luncheon.

Prof. Onyango receiving a farewell gift from Prof. Peter Mwita, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Linkages)

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