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A grant award is an investment in positive change; a tool used for impact in research. Adequate preparation is required if one is to win a grant. Grants allow many people to pursue projects they wouldn’t have the chance to pursue. In line with this and in an effort to build the research capacity, the University held a training on grant proposal writing on 21st and 22nd May 2019 to empower the staff to realize this desire. The forum was officially opened by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Linkages) Prof. Peter Mwita. The lead trainer was Prof. Joy Obando, a professor in Geography and a renowned lecturer from Kenyatta university and hosts of other trainers.
In his opening remarks, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Linkages) Prof. Peter Mwita, informed the participants that the training was intended to promote sharing opportunities, strengthen the trainee’s capacity to develop high impact proposals to win grants, equipment and other relevant research facilities and strengthen collaboration amongst researchers for the purpose of improving research production and output in Machakos University and Kenya.
“I would like to mention that winning grants is not only for the institution’s benefit, but also has personal returns. As a researcher you make extra money and you don’t have to rely only on your salary to earn a living. You make a name and a profile that sells you globally and further, you professionally grow. So I would like the trainees to appreciate and reap from the two-pronged potential returns for this training and give the highest level of attention.” The Deputy Vice-chancellor told the participants.