S/No. |
IP Creator |
Innovation & Date |
Level of Development |
Field |
IPR Type & Registration Status |
1 | Galm Halake | Tri-Security Intelligent System | Prototype | Electrical Eng. & Agriculture | Utility Model Protected |
2 |
Maxwell Moya & Anne Njeri | Drawing | Skill | Open | Open |
3 | Ambrose Oyamo | Fairgram Social Media | Service | ICT | Copyright
Not Protected |
4 | Duncan Kimba | Book | Product | Linguistics | Copyright
Not Protected |
5 | Anthony Mugo/Ndolo | Dual Purpose Door | Prototype | Building Technology | Utility Model
Not Protected |
6 | Anthony Mugo/Anthony Ndolo | Sunction Hair Clipper | Prototype | Electrical Engineering | Utility Model Not Protected |
7 | Lawrence Matolo | Radio Phone Set | Prototype |
Utility Model
Registered and Published Annuity Pending |
8 | Geoffrey N. Musyoki (GNM) | Music Composition | Product | ICT & Linguistics | Copyright
Protected |
9 | Emmanuel Nyamai | Termite Fumigation | Prototype | Agriculture | Utility Model
Not Protected |
10 | Lawrence Matolo/School of Engineering | Sand Packaging | Prototype | Building Technology | Utility Model
Not Protected |
11 | Lawrence Matolo | Multipurpose Seed Based Absorber | Prototype | Agriculture, Health & Education | Patent
Registered and Published but Protection Lapsed |
Semi-Reusable Sanitary Towels
Eliud Kiprop
BSC Population Health (fourth year)
“Principle innovator”
Two thirds of women in Kenyan cannot practice good menstrual hygiene. Out of 55% of the women only 30% understand and can afford to practice good menstrual hygiene (UNFPA 2014). The development of semi reusable towel will provide an alternative source of affordable sanitary pads. Furthermore, the project can be taught to communities and textile firms to make these pads locally. This will create jobs and promote self-sustainable communities and in no time the poor menstrual hygiene will be a thing of the past.
This project has been selected as a finalist to participate in this inaugural edition of the Africa Basque Challenge (ABC). It was selected because the idea has “outstanding potential to ‘Bridge the Urban Rural Gap’, in line with the 2018 ABC theme”. Eliud is headed for two “bootcamps”; one in Nairobi Kenya from 20th to 30th November, 2018 and the other in January 2019 in Spain. These bootcamps will provide training towards the realization of this project.
Fortified Dry Millet Meal
By Hassan Hussein (BSc. Population Health (Fourth Year)
“Fortified Dry Millet Meal” is a unique formula of a millet-based product that is enriched with more missing nutrients and fortified with minerals and vitamins.it is a ready to consume form of product. The innovation has been supported financially by the university early this year and the objective of the innovation is to address the issues of malnutrition across all ages and food insecurity since the fortified dry millet meal has long shelf life. In addition, the product is anticipated to conserve the environment since no cooking is involved. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Machakos University for the Financial Support they accorded me in order to undertake this Nobel idea which may accelerate the Kenyan government aspirations for the realization of the food security pillar of the Big Four agenda. Finally, I would like to encourage my fellow students with any innovative ideas to link up with university to realize their full potential.
Benson Magutu Mogosi (BSc. Population Health, Year Four)
“Green Maize Snack” is a newly innovated snack made out of green maize. The snack is enriched with more nutrients aiming at reducing the rate of malnutrition in the communities. In addition, the snack seeks to promote farming of maize to ensure food security. I take this opportunity to thank Machakos University for providing both financial and technical support to this project. Without the university support this would not have been possible. To my fellow students who have new ideas do not just keep them to yourselves waiting for the right time because the right time will never present itself. Just create time within your schedule and approach the University and you will be listened to and accorded the necessary support to enable you to accomplish your idea.
Stephen Kibe
The project works with the principle of the Campbell Sunshine recorder to perform the solar water heating function. Just like the process of recording the sunshine intensity throughout the day, the glass sphere (convex lenses) concentrates photo and thermal energy onto the water that is to be heated in a series of coiled pipes which are meant to increase the surface area of heating. The device is envisaged to be quite efficient since unlike the existing solar water heating systems there the glass spheres concentrates the energy to one vocal point. It is on this specific point where we expect have the water to be heated to boiling point. The series of glass spheres makes the device to be incredibly efficient and easily customizable.
Kennedy Njoroge Kuria
“Nutritious Icecream” is a type of ice-cream that is made out of whole blended fruit pulps without additives. It is enriched with essential nutrients which mitigate malnutrition. I would like to acknowledge our University for providing both financial and technical support to this project. This encourages us as students to find our potential. I would like to urge students who have brilliant innovative ideas to step forward and seek support from the university in order to make their dreams come true.