Public Lecture
Machakos University held a public lecture on 12th June, 2019 on Discourse on public perception on Biotechnology: The role of Biosafety regulations in Kenya and concerns in GMOs at the Machakos University Hotel & Conference Centre.
The speakers of the lecture were Prof. Dorington Ogoyi, the CEO (National Biosafety Authority) who talked about the biosafety regulations framework in Kenya and where Kenya is in the Global arena. The second speaker was Prof. Benjamin Onyango, visiting Professor on Carnegie Fellowship from Missouri State University, U.S.A. Prof. Onyango gave insight take on public perception of Food Biotechnology, especially, in the U.S.A experience. The Lecture was officially opened by the Machakos County CEC-Water, Irrigation, Environment and Natural Resources, Hon. Naomi Mutie who represented the county government of Machakos. The objective of the lecture was to provide an understanding of GMOs and demystify the concerns and issues on the same.
The lecture was well attended by University staff, representatives from the county government of Machakos, Kenya Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Organization (KALRO), Dryland Seed Company among other organizations. After the presentation, there was a one (1) hour panelist discussion, who also answered questions and made clarification sought by the public.

Prof. Douglas Shitanda (Deputy Vice Chancellor
Administration, Planning and Finance). Looking on is
Prof. Peter Mwita (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research,
Innovation and Linkages)