Financial sustainability and stability remains one of the biggest threats facing the universities and other higher education institutions and Machakos University is not an exception. One of the prudent mitigations is to diverse sources of income, hence income generation. Universities in developed countries have shown that significant funds can be generated through income generating units. This has been possible through the use of university facilities and expertise to generate more funds. It is within this context that Machakos University seeds Income Generating Units.
The Division of Research, Innovation and Linkages oversees the development and performance of IGU in the University. The Income Generating Units Committee (IGU Committee) that is under the Research, Innovation and Linkages Division, is responsible for the coordination of all income generating activities in the University. This is done through Income Generating Policy which addresses Machakos University leaders and managers by providing them with best practices and innovative approaches to start or improve their income diversification strategies in their schools, departments and sections.
The University has several Income Generating Projects among them:
a) Marble Green Soap and Detergent Production
Marble Green Detergents
1) This project focuses on value addition and production of personal care cleaning products and cleaning agents for general purpose and specific uses.
2) It targets personal cleaning products like soap, soapless detergent, hand cleaning gels and hair shampoos, cleaning agents for specific uses such as detergents for Utensils, floor, window, toilet cleaning agents (gels, liquids, solids, powders) and shampoos for washing motor vehicles.
3) The project also formulates and produces water softeners, oils and laundry detergents to meet a variety of needs. In all the products produced, quality and value addition are key aspects that are considered.
b) Renewable Energy Centre and Technology Transfer through short trainings
Through this initiative, the University is focused on making positive contributions towards alleviation of negative impact of climate change. It underscore the fact that effective energy conservation and management is a major opportunity to reduce not only energy bills but also carbon footprint.
The project has the following goals:
(1) Develop fundamental science and enabling technologies leading to the demonstration of Green (Renewable) Energy System;
(2) Foster appreciation, innovation and technology in the production, use and sustainable Green (Renewable) energy industries;
(3) Educate a new workforce for the coming green-energy based economy.
A section of trainees attending a short course on Renewable Energy in the University
Trainees learn how to install a solar PV Panel during the workshops