Expressions of interest for research on scaling the impact of
educational innovations
Deadline December 13, 2019 by 23:45 (EST)
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and IDRC invite expressions
of interest from individual organizations or consortia of up to four
organizations to build knowledge and capacity on scaling the impact of
educational innovations in GPE member countries.
The project funded out of this expression of interest will:

  1. design and lead action research on scaling across Knowledge and

    Innovation Exchange-funded projects;
  2. conduct additional research that engages multiple perspectives on

    the processes and critical success factors on scaling education

    innovations in GPE member countries; and
  3. use findings from this research to produce practical and conceptual

    guidance on scaling that balances quality, equity, efficiency, and

    sustainability for education systems and outcomes in developing

    country contexts.

    The research component of the project should be guided by the following

    key question:

    “How can educational innovations be designed, adapted, and scaled to

    improve education access and quality within GPE member countries while

    maintaining quality, equity, efficiency, and sustainability of their impacts

    and enabling transformative change of educational institutions?”