Intelligent voting system


iVoting was conceptualized, designed and developed by Kelvin Roman Njoroge , Claries Ingosi Kwaya , Titus Kipkirui Arap Ngetich & Adelide Kanini Mutio

  1. iVoting or intelligent voting is the a global solution to all things voting i.e. any kind of voting mode be it personal, political, corporate… iVoting will handle. Even surveys and opinion polls
  2. iVoting is the FIRST ever in the world
  3. iVoting adapts itself to the user through the environments. Public environments can be accessed by anyone in the world while private are for the specific few who recieve invites from the environment administrator
  4. iVoting’s aim is to decentralized/abolish polling station and make voting possible anywhere, anytime and for everyone
  5. Our Peace in Technology initiative is geared at promoting peace before, during and after all the elections.
  6. iVoting is run by our custom made artificial intelligence called the Veronica AI and our own blockchain technology called RACT
  7. iVoting is a FREE service to all around the world
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