About the Director
Dr. Patricia N. Muendo is the Ag. Director, (Research, Innovation and Technology). She holds a PhD in AquaAculture from Wageningen University (Netherlands), Masters in Hydrobiology from the University of Nairobi and Bachelor of Science (Botany/Zoology) also from the University of Nairobi. She has served as Ag. Chairman, department of Environmental conservation (SEKU), A.g Dean, School of Water Resourses (SEKU), Ag. Dean, school of Science, Education and Technology (Kabarak University), and also Ag. Dean School of Pure and applied sciences (Machakos University). She has over 15 years’ experience in aquatic science / aquaculture education and research (nutrient dynamics, ecology & aquatic production systems). She has collaborated in various aquaculture research and development projects including PDA CRSP (USAID funded), INREF-Pond (Wageningen University, Netherlands), NICHE/KEN/158 (NUffic – Netherlands), ASALI (university of Amsterdam) and MARICULTURE (Nacosti – Kenya), among others. She is currently (2016 – 2019) a collaborator & co- principal investigator in SNIPH and IMAQULATE projects (funded by BBSRC – NEWTON FUNDS), responsible for project co-ordination and administration. She can be contacted on c/o Machakos university, P.O Box 136 – 90100, Machakos, Kenya; email: pnmuendo@mksu.ac.ke; or pmuendo@yahoo.com, Tel. +254 724 993404