Computational Modeling and Material Science Mini-Grants 2018/2019

KENET has as one of its mandates, the role of catalyzing collaboration in research and education among member institutions. KENET promotes collaboration through facilitation of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in priority academic areas and discovery of active researchers/faculty from member institutions.  KENET is currently supporting the Engineering and Computer Science/Information Systems SIGs which have previously benefited from similar mini grants. We plan to create SIGs in Agriculture and Medicine in 2019.
This Call for Proposals for mini-grants is intended to promote early stage research and development in current and emerging research areas, as well as strengthen the the SIG on Computational Modeling and Materials Science (CMMS) that is led by Prof George Amolo of Technical University of Kenya. The mini-grants target early stage research, enabling researchers to undertake proof-of-concept work to support R&D ideas and concepts.

The research areas of focus for this round of mini-grant funding are:

  • Materials modelling and development for energy conversion using basic applied sciences and
  • Materials science and technology for environmentall safety and health applications


This call is open to computational modeling and materials science faculty (who are full-time) at any of the KENET member institutions. The lead applicant must be a PhD holder, attained within the last 5 years, and must demonstrate active research interest. Those recently awarded mini-grants from the Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) are not eligible to apply.

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