Senior Administrative assistant in the office of the Industrial Attachment and Linkages section, Division of Research Innovation and Linkages (RIL).
➢ Doctorate of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship- on going Karatina University, Kenya
➢ Masters in Business Administration in Entrepreneurship Moi University, Kenya.
➢ Bachelor of commerce in Entrepreneurship Gretsa University
➢ Higher National Diploma Entrepreneurship Kenya Technical Teachers College, Kenya
➢ Diploma in Technical Education in Institutional Management, Kenya Technical Teachers College, Kenya.
Challenges facing Micro and Small Enterprises in accessing Business loans in Machakos
Town, (Kenya) (2008).
Kivandi Betsy, Dr. Kyalo and Professor Ng’ang’a. (2017). Enterpreneurial intervention and
the growth of women owned small and medium enterprises in rural Kenya. Int Journal
of Social Sciences Management and Entrepreneurship, 4(2), 198-210.
Working with TVET in curriculum development for Entrepreneurship and Technical courses. I have worked with Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) as a Technical Project Assessor and, worked with National Industrial Training Authority Examiner, Facilitated Entrepreneurship Training Nairobi County; trained on entrepreneurship/enterprise Development skills (KYEPDs), and Ways of writing Business plans; Sponsored by Kenya youth Enterprise Development project (Trained for Kenya institute of Management), Facilitated Training of Trainers Course for Teachers in Eastern Province; trained on entrepreneurial/enterprise skills; Sponsored by SOS
Facilitated for Entrepreneurship training on savings and Credit for SACCO groups of the Kinoo PCEA Church; Sponsored by COFEP, Cooperative Bank of Kenya; Trained for Enterprise Capacity Building Consultants Conducted entrepreneurial training for Savings and credit groups in Makueni district; Sponsored by COFEP, Cooperative Bank of Kenya;Trained for Enterprise Capacity Building Consultants.
Trained and Facilitated for DANIDA (Micro Enterprise Development Project Kitui District). I also trained entrepreneurs in business planning, marketing services, book keeping, marketing survey, costing and pricing, tie and dye techniques, monitoring and evaluation of projects.
- Identified training needs for small and micro entrepreneurs (Kitui District)
- Developed training programmers’ for Jua Kali artisans (Kitui District)
- Conducted inventory stock in five youth polytechnics (Kitui District)
- Trained entrepreneurs on weaving, leather work, juice making, baking, soap making,
- dressmaking and tailoring
- Conducted training needs assessment for jua kali artisans in Kitui, Makueni, and Taita Taveta Districts.
- Trained for World Bank Programmers’ (Machakos Technical) Textile Sub – sector.
- Trained entrepreneurs on tie and dye, dressmaking, fashion design, batik techniques, screen printing, weaving and knitting.
- Developed a training Program for Micro Enterprise Development Project (Danida – Kitui) Textile Sub-sector.
- Trained for Machakos School of Professional Studies (Enterprise Management World Bank Programmes, Micro Enterprise Development)
- Trained entrepreneurs in Textile Sub – sector on business start – ups and business incubation. Participants drawn from Kiambu, Makueni, Kitui, Machakos and Kajiado districts.
Email: betsy.nzuki@mksu.ac.ke