The Centre for Renewable Energy (CREN) was established in 2018 to implement and stimulate renewable energy projects at Machakos University. The Centre was established to develop the much-needed human capacity (technical training) in the country, to promote and advance innovation in the field of renewable energy technologies, as well as to generate and disseminate knowledge (awareness).
Currently, the Centre serves as a focal point for renewable energy projects with the support of an annual grant administrated by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and International partners. CREN is seeking accreditation by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) and recognition by Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) as a training Centre for renewable energy short-courses.
Vision Statement
To achieve excellence in developing alternative energy sources, training, research, and stimulating innovation and enterprise in the field of renewable energy technology.
Mission Statement
Facilitate cutting-edge solutions to energy challenges, research, development activities and human capacity development in the field of renewable energy technology.
Strategic Objectives
Core Objective
To contribute towards establishment of modern renewable energy plants in Kenya as alternative energy sources.
Key Objectives and Expected Outcomes
(1) Research
- Identify, formulate and propose joint research projects
- Conduct research, as contract research or academic research projects
- Publish results in theses, reports, papers and articles
(2) Consultancy
- Specialist consulting, e.g. feasibility studies and assessments
- Technology evaluation
- Policy advice for the University and public sector on renewable technologies
- Supervise research and coursework postgraduate students
(3) Training
- Workshops, specialized and in-house short courses
- Awareness
- Forums, open days, lectures
CREN responsibility
The Centre for Renewable Energy (CREN) seeks to:
(1) Develop fundamental science and enabling technologies leading to the demonstration of Renewable Energy Technologies;
(2) Foster appreciation, innovation and technology in the production and utilization of Renewables as alternative sources of energy;
(3) Educate a new workforce for the coming green-energy based economy.