No | Name of Project | Principal Investigator and Institution of Affiliation | MENTOR |
1 | Semi- Reusable Sanitary Towel | Kimutai E. Kiprop
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo,
(MksU) |
2 | Modified Solar Water Heater using a Glass Sphere | Kibe Stephen Gachoka
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo
(MksU) |
3 | Green Maize Snacks Formula | Benson M. Mogosi
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo
(MksU) |
4 | Fortified Dry Millet Meal | Hassan Hussein
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo, (MksU) |
5 | Mobile Biogas Digester | Alfred Omolo
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo, (MksU) |
6 | Green Laboratory Chemical Waste Management | FanuelOtienoOoko
(MksU) |
Dr. David Wekesa
(MksU) |
7 | Hydrophobic Green Farming Initiative in Machakos County | H. Ndombi
(MksU) |
Dr. Marther Ngigi
(MksU) |
8 | Nutritious Ice Cream Product | KenedyNjoroge
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo, (MksU) |
9 | Increment of Eggs Production through Technology | Mary Kamau
(MksU) |
Dr. MartherNgigi
(MksU) |
10 | Recycled Plastic Root Trainers | Sharon Anyango
(MksU) |
Mr. Lawrence Matolo, (MksU) |