2019 Emerald African Management Research Fund Award

2019 Emerald African Management Research Fund Award

Fostering a research culture driven by growth and sustainability in Africa

Image: AFAM logo.Image: INASP logo. Image: IAABD logo.

Call for African management research proposals

Emerald and AFAM (Africa Academy of Management), in association with INASP and the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), are delighted to offer a research grant for an African project in the field of management research. The award will offer £2,500 (approximately US$4,000 equivalent) to fund the winning research project.

Applications should address the following theme: Fostering a research culture driven by growth and sustainability in Africa.


At least one member of the research team must be based in Africa.


Each application will be judged, by a panel of experts, on the criteria below. The research must:

  • Be of significance, and in particular, illustrate how it will benefit the social good
  • Demonstrate originality and innovation
  • Make an outstanding contribution to theory and its application
  • Illustrate the appropriateness and application of the methodology
  • Demonstrate sound implications for theory and practice

Application requirements

Each proposal must be submitted using the online application form.

The following documents will be required electronically:

  • A summary stating specific goals, outcomes and benefits of the research. This should not exceed 2,000 words (note that tables, figures, appendices and reference lists if provided do NOT count towards the 2,000 word total).
  • A covering letter containing full contact details (affiliation, full address, telephone number/s and email address) for all researchers involved in the project. Please state clearly which researcher will be the main point of contact.

The 2,000 word summary must:

  • Display clearly a statement of purpose and intent
  • State clearly the methodology(ies) applied and explicitly describe the research process
  • State expected research outcomes and expected impact and possible application
  • Specify the expected timescales of the research process
  • Outline projected costs and total research grant required

Closing date

Please be aware that all entries must be uploaded by the online application form (see link above) by 30 August 2019. There will be no allowances given for late entries.


For further information please contact:

Talita Opperman
Account Management Executive – Sub Saharan Africa
E-mail: topperman@emeraldgroup.com

Don’t forget to like our Facebook page for updates on the award and for more information on Emerald in Africa.